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organized  play


game  rules
Version 1.0


The objective of the game is to defeat your opponent by either being the first to reach 50 Space Points or by having more Space Points when no more cards can be drawn.


flight  deck  ready

Each flight deck must consist of between 50-60 cards.


deck  MinIMA

Each flight deck must have a minimum of 4 of each type of card (excluding Space Hero cards which have a minimum of 2.)


alliance  decks

Flight decks cannot consist of cards from more than 2 factions (excluding Rogue cards which can be present in any deck, and Conflict Missions.) A deck that utilizes cards from two factions is considered an Alliance Deck.


rogue  elements

There is no limit to the number of Rogue cards that can be included in a flight deck, but all of the standard deck rules still apply. The inclusion of Rogue cards is not considered an Alliance Deck.


conflict missions

Some missions are faction specific, while others bear two or more faction insignias, indicating that they are playable by multiple factions; these are considered Conflict Missions. A Conflict Mission is when two opposing factions attempt to achieve the same goal, i.e. setting up a base on Mars. You can use a Conflict Mission card so long as you are playing one of the factions mentioned on the card.

how  to  read  cards










card  classes

space  hero  classes


  • Common

  • Famed

  • Heroic

  • Legend

  • Immortal

payload  classes


  • Support

  • Vanguard

  • Guardian

  • Destroyer

  • Dreadnought

card  limit  rules 


Maximum of 3 duplicates of any one non-Space Hero and non-Payload card (excluding Launchers which have a maximum of 8) per flight deck.



Maximum of 6 Space Hero cards per flight deck, with no more than 2 duplicates of each.


always  remembered

Maximum of 2 Immortal or Legend Space Hero cards per flight deck, with no duplicates. For example, 1 Immortal, 1 Legend, or 2 Immortal, 0 Legend, etc.


deployment  order

Maximum of 4 duplicate Support, Vanguard, and Guardian Payload cards per flight deck.


air  superiority

A maximum of 2 Dreadnought or Destroyer Payload cards per flight deck, with no duplicates. For example, 1 Dreadnought, 1 Destroyer, or 2 Dreadnought, 0 Destroyer, etc.

special  skills  and 
functions  explained

Space Hero and Payload cards are different from other cards in the Space Heroes trading card game in that they can have special skills or special functions. These special skills and functions add a particular benefit that goes beyond the capabilities of regular cards, making them more powerful. Some cards may have the same skill or function but will vary in their effectiveness, for example;



Special Skill: Gambler

When this card is first played, pay 1 Space Point and flip a coin. If heads, this card gains +1 weapon and shield.



Special Skill: Gambler

When this card is first played, pay 2 Space Points and flip a coin. If heads, this card gains +2 shields.


Both cards have the special skill Gambler. Both cards must pay a penalty to flip a coin. Card 1 must pay 1 Space Point, whereas Card 2 must pay 2 Space Points because Card 1 is a better gambler. If luck is on their side, Card 1 will gain +1 weapon and +1 shield, whereas Card 2 will gain +2 shields. The concept of the Gambler skill is the same for both cards, but the cost and result are different.


Some special skills and special functions are faction specific, while some can only be found in Rogue cards. There are also a small number of cards where the special skill or function is limited to them exclusively.

space  hero
special  skill  list

ancient  knowledge

Only other Space Heroes can attack this card directly.


black  market  dealer

When this Space Hero is first played, pay X penalty and gain X benefit.



Flip a coin at the beginning of your turn. If heads, receive X benefit.



When an opponent draws a card other than the card drawn at the beginning of their turn, receive X benefit.



When this Space Hero is first deployed, pay X penalty and flip a coin. If heads, this card gains X benefit.



When attacking a Space Hero or Payload with a higher weapons value, add X weapons.



When this Space Hero is first deployed, pay X penalty and flip a coin. If heads, this hero gains X benefit.



Gain X benefit at the beginning of every turn.



If X Payload receives a hit that would destroy it, sacrifice this Space Hero in its place. The Payload that would have been destroyed is reduced to 1 shield.



When this Space Hero is first deployed, take control of one of your opponent's X cards for X duration. If your opponent has no Space Hero or Payloads in Outer Space, this card can attack their Space Points directly.



Your opponent must either sacrifice X or pay X penalty in order to perform X function.



0 weapons / 0 shields. This Space Hero gains X benefit for every X card in your Junkyard.



While this Space Hero is active, your opponent cannot delay or stop your launches.



+X Space Points for every one of your successful launches.



When this Space Hero is first played, select one of your opponent's X cards, this card cannot perform any action until your opponent pays X penalty.



After a successful launch, retrieve X card from the Junkyard and place it in your hand.



Only another Space Hero with the Sneaky special skill can attack this hero directly.



When this Space Hero is first deployed, take X card from your Flight Deck/Scrapyard and place it in your hand.



Select a target. This card receives X penalty until X time.


the  goodest  boy

Any card that attacks this Space Hero directly receives X damage.



After one of your Ground Crew cards is activated, instead of discarding it, flip it back over to be used one more time.



If this Space Hero is destroyed in combat, it attacks the attacking card before it dies.

special  skill  list


If this card destroys X Payload, deal X damage to every other Payload in Outer Space.



Your X Payload self-destructs near an enemy X Payload and deals X damage.



Your X Payload self-destructs near an enemy X Payload and deals X damage.


ancient  technology

Your X Payload self-destructs near an enemy X Payload and deals X damage.



(coming soon)


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