deck & card types

starter decks
There are 4 different starter decks, one for each faction, and each with their own playing style. There are 6 facets to each preconstructed deck; domination, prot, exploration, achievement, research, and sabotage. Some factions excel in specific areas and are lacking in others, so be sure to choose the one that best fits your own personal playing style. And remember, you can always swap out cards to make your own personalized deck, incorporate Rogue cards for a little added chaos and unpredictability, or combine factions to create an Alliance deck. How you want to conquer the solar system is up to you!

starforge dominion starter deck
deck type

deck contains
Space Hero Cards x4
Missions Cards x12
Launcher Cards x12
Payload Cards x12
Ground Crew Cards x6
Research Cards x6
Alert Cards x8
+5 Discovery Cards

ancient terra
starter deck
deck type

deck contains
Space Hero Cards x4
Missions Cards x9
Launcher Cards x9
Payload Cards x9
Ground Crew Cards x6
Research Cards x18
Alert Cards x5
+5 Discovery Cards

descent guild
starter deck
deck type

deck contains
Space Hero Cards x4
Missions Cards x10
Launcher Cards x10
Payload Cards x10
Ground Crew Cards x6
Research Cards x16
Alert Cards x6
+5 Discovery Cards

astero mining corp
starter deck
deck type

deck contains
Space Hero Cards x4
Missions Cards x10
Launcher Cards x10
Payload Cards x8
Ground Crew Cards x10
Research Cards x6
Alert Cards x12
+5 Discovery Cards